Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Lasciateli andare

Lasciate che chi non ha voglia di combattere se ne vada.
Dategli dei soldi perché acceleri la sua partenza,
dato che non intendiamo morire in compagnia di quell'uomo.
Non vogliamo morire con nessuno ch'abbia paura di morir con noi.
[W. Shakespeare]

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Monday, 13 December 2010



Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Rules to keep bankers honest

This title sounds strange and the overall article as well

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Receivership's Time

Receivership; Spineless

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Pantelleria: Ricetta "Spinci" Nonna Rosa

Ricetta Spinci a ciambelline della Nonna Rosa.
Parzialmente adattata dalla Mamma

Friday, 12 November 2010

About and Round


Thursday, 28 October 2010

Cut vs Increase

On the debate about revenues and expenditures rebalancing

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Sviluppo Economico

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="300" height="200"></iframe>

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Take a breath


Tuesday, 17 August 2010


Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one's courage


Seven Social Sins:
1. politics without principles,
2. wealth without work,
3. pleasure without conscience,
4. knowledge without character,
5. commerce without morality,
6. science without humanity, and
7. worship without sacrifice
[Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi Vol. 33 (PDF) p. 135]

Monday, 16 August 2010

Sunday's Kuchen

Backmischung in eine Ruehrschuessel geben, Margarine oder Butter, Eier und 100 ml milch hinzufuegen. Alles mit einem Handruehegeraet (Ruehrbesen) kurz auf niedrigste, dann auf hoechster Stufe etwa 3 minuten zu einem glatten Teig verarbeiten

2/3 des Teiges in die Kastenform geben. Unter den restlichen Teig den Kakao und 1 Essloeffel milch ruehren. Dunklen Teig auf dem hellen Teig verteilen und beide Teigschichten mit einer Gabel spiralfoermig durchziehen, so dass ein Marmo muster entsteht.

Form auf dem Rost in unteren Drittel in den Backofen schieben.
Backzeit: etwa sechzig minuten.
Nach etwa funfzehn minuten Backzeit den Kuchen mit einem spitzen Messer der Laenge nach in der Mitte etwa ein cm tief einschneiden. Kuchen erst zehn Minuten in der Form stehen lassen, dann aus der Form loesen und auf einem kuchenrost erkalten lassen.

Dr Oetker

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Tourism Flows

> Holidays Time and counting...

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Red Tape (English Interpretation)

Key: Red tape; excessive bureaucracy; firms' creation; business development; economic growth

Source: Red tape

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

The Great Charter

Monday, 2 August 2010



Friday, 16 July 2010

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Denis Healey:

It's like being savaged by a dead sheep

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Life // Cheetah

Source: CorSera, LIFE

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Cul de sac

Source: CorSera 

Tuesday, 29 June 2010


To judge / to try

To find s.o. guilty / not guilty

To pass judgement on s.o. in appeal

The jury returned a verdict of guilty

Sentence / judgement / verdict / decision

Mr Justice

Bankruptcy judge

Monday, 21 June 2010

Banana Markups II


Banana Markups

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Monday, 14 June 2010

EVO ... - - - ...

Monday, 7 June 2010


Friday, 28 May 2010



> competition is a contest between individuals, groups, nations, animals, etc. for territory, a niche, or allocation of resources. It arises whenever two or more parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared
> of or pertaining to competition; being inclined to compete; that inhibits the action of an enzyme by binding with it
> competition - the act of competing as for profit or a prize; "the teams were in fierce contention for first place"
> subscribing to capitalistic competition
> competitiveness is a comparative concept of the ability and performance of a firm, sub-sector or country to sell and supply goods and/or services
> competitiveness - an aggressive willingness to compete; "the team was full of fight"

Thursday, 27 May 2010


From harsh to mild cell shaking...
> Brainstorming
> Brainsqueezing
> Brainbreezing

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Do you have a "Mean"?

It is getting more and more common:
> Living Beyond Their Means
> Beyond Own Means
also known as The Econometrics of Unit Roots!
Was ist das??? ;)

Thursday, 20 May 2010


> relating to or caused by structure, especially political or economic structure;
> structure is a fundamental and sometimes intangible notion covering the recognition, observation, nature, and stability of patterns and relationships of entities
> social organization: the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships
> in universal algebra and in model theory, a structure consists of a set along with a collection of finitary functions and relations which are defined on it
> make changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and injustices
> bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one
> beneficial change, or sometimes, more specifically, reversion to a pure original state
> change for the better
> produce by cracking
> self-improvement in behavior or morals by abandoning some vice


Ego: I want to ride my horses
Evo: what's the weather like Sir?
Ego: ;(

Wednesday, 19 May 2010



Wednesday, 12 May 2010


An english-speaking guy talking about the euro: guess what
There is no doubt that the euro is unloved.
Even before this week's bail-out, short-term speculators had record short positions in the currency.
Hey Peter, I'd doubt of your statement. Regards. Agostino

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

How to deal with CHANGE

The Analytics of Change:
> What's the status quo?
> What's the final objective?
> What are the alternatives?
> What do/does people/the audience think?
> What if it goes wrong? - The plan B
> The planning: what, how and who?
> Project evaluation: targets!

Monday, 10 May 2010

Dead Cats Bounce - Alphaville as usual

Friday, 7 May 2010

Small and Medium Enterprises

The flexible small and medium-sized enterprises
that form the backbone of Italy's economy
like to say they survive despite,
not because of, government policies.
- - -

Thursday, 6 May 2010

The Analysis

> Better errors
> Are we aiming at reality or ... (or what?)

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

The Value of a Public Good: Fire!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Time Ago: RX 125 CD

Enduro trip to Gibele (hill, 700m), Pantelleria
The year is 1993 or 1994
see the place on google maps (click here)

Minchia Fai, Scajola!!!

Competenze del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
Il nuovo Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, che comprende Attività Produttive, Commercio Internazionale, Comunicazioni e Politiche di Coesione, è l'Amministrazione di riferimento per i settori portanti dell'economia italiana, sia in termini di promozione e sviluppo della competitività del sistema produttivo nazionale, che in termini di armonizzazione e monitoraggio del mercato interno.

Ha competenza in materia di programmazione, coordinamento, attuazione e verifica degli interventi per lo sviluppo e la coesione economica, sociale e territoriale, con particolare riguardo alle aree sottoutilizzate.

Pone in essere politiche di supporto alla competitività delle grandi imprese nei settori strategici, provvede alle politiche dei distretti industriali, allo sviluppo per l'innovazione tecnologica, agli interventi di reindustrializzazione e riconversione dei settori di aree industriali colpite da crisi.

Attua politiche di sviluppo industriale per le PMI. Provvede all'elaborazione delle linee di politica energetica di rilievo nazionale e coordina le attività connesse agli interventi di programmazione nazionale e regionale nei settori energetico e minerario. Si occupa inoltre di Telecomunicazioni, Commercio Internazionale, promozione e tutela della proprietà industriale; monitoraggio ed azioni di contrasto al fenomeno della contraffazione e tutela della proprietà intellettuale.
...sti cazzi!

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Photo Blog

nice photo blog

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Labour Day || -_- ||

Thursday, 29 April 2010

China vs USA

:-P :-P :-P

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Alpha Ventus


Monday, 26 April 2010

The Power of Silence

Monday, 19 April 2010

Quid pro Quo

1. The phrase qui pro quo, or quiproquo (from medieval Latin: literally qui instead of quo) is common in languages such as Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French, where it means a misunderstanding.
2. Quid pro quo (From the Latin meaning something for something) indicates a more-or-less equal exchange or substitution of goods or services. English speakers often use the term to mean "a favor for a favor" and the phrases with almost identical meaning include: "what for what," "give and take," "tit for tat"...
> In those languages, the phrase corresponding to the usage of quid pro quo in English is do ut des (Latin for "I give so that you may give").
> Tit for tat is an English saying meaning "equivalent retaliation".
Italian: Qui pro Quo --> misunderstanding
English: Quid pro quo --> something for something
Italian:   Do ut Des --> something for something

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Club Med

Depressions spread government dependency. Hyperinflation spreads revolution.
Source: Zero Hedge

Friday, 9 April 2010

Fatti non foste

O frati, dissi, che per cento milia
perigli siete giunti a l'occidente,
a questa tanto picciola vigilia

d'i nostri sensi ch'è del rimanente
non vogliate negar l'esperïenza,
di retro al sol, del mondo sanza gente.

Considerate la vostra semenza:
fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza.

Thursday, 8 April 2010



Wednesday, 7 April 2010

The Snake in the Tunnel

The Tunnel

In December 1971, the French President, Georges Pompidou, and the German Chancellor, Willy Brandt, found a monetary compromise that was readily approved by the US President, Richard Nixon, and the Member States of the European Economic Community (EEC).

The monetary agreements that were signed in Washington on 18 December 1971 set new parities in relation to the dollar, which was devalued by 7.89 % in relation to gold. At the same time, a number of currencies were adjusted upwards in relation to the dollar: the Italian lira by 7.5 %; the German mark by 13.5 %; the Dutch guilder by 11.6 %; the Belgian franc by 11.6 %; the French franc by 8.6 %; and the pound sterling by 8.6 %.

However, the French Government also had to agree to a fluctuation margin amongst the currencies wider than that set by the Bretton Woods System. The band was increased from 1 % to 2.25 % on either side of the dollar rate. The maximum spread, from floor to ceiling, between any two European currencies was consequently 4.5 %.
That was the width of the tunnel.
The Snake
The European currency snake was created by the Basle Agreement signed on 10 April 1972. Under that Agreement, the governors of the central banks reduced the margin within which the exchange rates of EEC currencies could fluctuate. While under the snake-in-the-tunnel system a currency could fluctuate 2.25 % on either side of the fixed parity, the snake system allowed a maximum drift of 2.25 % around the fixed parity.
As a result, the margin was reduced by half what was agreed at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington on 18 December 1971. Intervention by the EEC's central banks was automatically triggered when the outer fluctuation limits were reached. The unit of account (UA), whose value was defined in relation to gold, replaced the dollar as the currency of account in the European Economic Community.
Thus was created the European currency snake, which was allowed to move in its tunnel by a maximum variation of 4.5 %. In the absence of genuine monetary union, the snake acted as a brace to provide a zone of relative stability against a backdrop of international monetary chaos.
The three future members of the EEC – the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark – were already in the tunnel and joined the snake system on 1 May 1972. However, they did not stay long, because their currencies came under speculative attack and they were unable to keep to the narrow margins imposed by the system. The pound sterling, the Irish punt and the Danish crown were then allowed to float. The pound sterling was even forced to leave the tunnel in June 1972.
Tensions between France and Germany resurfaced when Karl Schiller demanded that France continue to support the dollar. Already under heavy fire for his earlier proposal that all European currencies should float, the German Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs was criticised on this occasion to such an extent that he was forced to resign in July 1972.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Uhm!!! ;)

Ego's Evo

Wednesday, 31 March 2010


just my imagination

Friday, 19 March 2010


Tuesday, 16 March 2010

About Life

Julio Caesar [13 July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC]
(a) It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life.
(b) It is not these well-fed long-haired men that I fear, but the pale and the hungry-looking.
(c) It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.

Monday, 15 March 2010

W. Buiter

good luck boy

Bear Stearns Anniversary

a) Leverage kills
b) If it quacks, it is a duck
c) Market efficiency
d) Big banks are like nuclear power stations
e) Statistical models are like bikinis: what they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital
f) Bagehot and Keynes were both right
g) Rent-seeking is not wealth creation
h) Much of the capital they put at risk belongs to others

John Cassidy is a staff writer at The New Yorker and the author of 'How Markets Fail'

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

A Good Point

The rewards of virtue are measured by the magnitude of the sacrifice.

Friday, 5 March 2010


[...] This is in contrast to the technocratic illusion that there is a single absolute solution to society's problems. The alternatives are there to mark the way, to show the limits to assumptions. (Jean-Paul Fitoussi, 1993)

Thursday, 4 March 2010


Saturday, 27 February 2010

The Matrix has you

> Wake up, Neo...            
> The Matrix has you ...    
> Follow the white rabbit.  
> Knock, knock, Neo.        

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Hypermotard 1100 Evo-SP

Are you ready for a ride?

Monday, 22 February 2010

London's calling


Friday, 19 February 2010



Thursday, 4 February 2010

I dislike flow diagrams

> People keep on interpreting them as consistent models while they're simply a partial draw!

I hate flow diagrams

> People keep on interpreting them as consistent models while they're simply a partial draw!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Untitled: GhostLab

> Just for fun

Monday, 1 February 2010

Stazione solare per auto elettriche

A: immagina la Sicilia piena di auto elettriche che si alimentano ad energia solare
B: non si può fare!
A: ma come non si può fare!?
B: ed io ti dico che non si può fare
A: mi dicono che si può fare ;)
B: vero? ma sei sicuro? non ci credo!!!
A: ma si camurriusu!

Friday, 29 January 2010

Human Beings

> Nice shot, nice action: the dynamics of human beings ;)

Friday, 22 January 2010

Check joint email

Sky roots; upside-down roots...whatever!


A more detailed image is available upon request :D

Joint blogging

Macasenu du Vinu, San Marco, Pantelleria
January 5, 2010